Creative Leadership
Makeover Plan
Completely revamp your leadership
style to meet the future head-on
A warm welcome to you!
NOW is the best time to take a chance on creativity, if you are:

An intrapreneur aspiring to become a creative leader in your company.

A CEO or manager responsible for cultivating a culture of creativity in the corporation.

A business owner or entrepreneur wanting to take your business to the next level.

A mom or educator aiming to keep children’s creativity intact.

A lifelong-learner craving new, out-of-the-ordinary information and wisdom.
If you do not do beadwork over the weekend, but know that you can use creativity to improve your leadership and business skills, I guarantee you that this is the course for you. It is perfect for anyone wanting to embrace creativity for better results.
Creative Leadership Makeover Plan
is an 8-week online course that will show you step-by-step how to become a Creative Leader so that you can meet the future head-on and inspire others to be more productive and more innovative, make smarter business decisions, take your enterprise to the next level, or simply teach children creatively. The course is based on science and art. It contains all the elements of quality adult-learning course, but without the corporate stuffiness.

Hi, my name is Lien,
and I am the creator of the Creative Leadership Makeover Plan.
This one-of-a-kind course is the culmination of 25 years of experience as a communication specialist, entrepreneur, colour therapist, and creativity teacher. I have designed this unique online course for those who believe that the future of work requires leaders who believe that creativity is the cornerstone of human existence and envision a world where you give people the opportunity to recognize and express their kind of creativity.
Upon completion, you will know for sure:

How to recognise your creative type and the creative types of others.


How to reset your emotions and mindset for creativity.

How to cultivate a culture of creativity at home or work.
And much, much more!
What it is not
You will NOT learn: How to draw, write, knit, paint, or make music.
Course Curriculum

Week 1
The nature of creativity and the 7 types of creative

Week 2
How to set the scene for creativity

Week 3
Your mood has everything to do with it

Week 4
The neuroscience of creativity

Week 5
Curiosity did not kill the cat

Week 6
Expressing your creativity your way

Week 7
What’s creative intuition?

Week 8
Do you still dream?
What’s in the course?
A test to determine what your creative type is.
High-quality videos with unique and unusual content about the 7 things that affect your creativity and how to change and cultivate them.

Four experiential, out-of-the-ordinary activities per lesson in a beautiful workbook to get the creative juices flowing.
Access to an exclusive Facebook group to connect with other newbie creative leaders around the world.
Your Instructor
Hi, I am Lien, an author, award-winning editor, seasoned communication specialist, entrepreneur, colour therapist, and creativity teacher.
I am passionate about leaving a legacy of beauty and creativity, and helping others do the same. I started my creative leadership journey years ago and love the sense of freedom it has brought to my life and business.
When I’m not creating content or dreaming up new ideas, you will find me gardening or spending time with my artist husband and curious kid.

Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! While it is an 8-week online course, you choose when to begin and end.
How quickly will I see results?
Let’s be honest… the Universe rewards action. If you do the (not boring) homework, the results will be almost immediate. If you tend to procrastinate, it will obviously take a tad longer. If you only watch and don’t act at all, well…
Will the lessons be a bunch of boring videos?
The videos, which I wrote and shot myself, took ages as I still have a pesky perfectionist lurking, but I don’t do boring any more. The beauty of the lessons is that the content is unusual, and they work like a charm! You will not only be educated and entertained but also enlightened.
What is your refund policy?
The instant access and downloadable material mean that there are no refunds available. I’m confident that this course will give you so much value and would never want you to be unhappy. If you don’t feel this course was helpful, you are welcome to email me at lien@lienpotgieter.co.za so that we can find a creative solution.

I know first-hand
that embracing your creativity is a life-changing experience.
Once I un[b]locked my creativity, I realised that I’m more creative than I believed, have the freedom to co-create with life, and make a living from my passions.
I want that for you too, and I’d love the opportunity to hold your hand and walk you through the process.
Let’s get started on this beautiful journey of becoming a creative leader to meet the future head-on.
Complete your details below and we’ll advise you once the course is live.